Selasa, 24 November 2009

Team Leadership competency framework - HR Series

There are some competency dealing with team leader competency to develop organization become profesional organization :

1. Planning and Organizing
Organizes and coordinates resources to ensure achievement of performance objectives
  • Prepare in advance for meetings, interviews, customer contact and so on.
  • Accurately prioritizes key tasks for self and others.
  • Ensure realistic timescales for tasks and activities, including contingency where necessary.
  • Plans and schedules towards achievements of tasks.

2. Problem Analysis

Effectively identifies important elements of a problem by seeking relevant data and evaluating it in logical and rational manner

  • Asks open and probing questions to gain information.
  • Adopts a structured approach to quesioning, ensuring all angels are covered.
  • checks understanding and verifies facts when gathering information.
  • Identifies causes of problem / issue.
  • Draw logical conclusion based on the available data.

3. Innovation

Identifies new methods of working by looking at issues from different angles and chalengging traditional methods or approaches

  • Identifies opportunities to improve situations/processes.
  • Encourages others to come up with suggestion / solutions.
  • Tries to remove barriers rather than creating them.
  • Takes a wider view of processes rather than focusing on own job/area.

4. Team working

Works cooperately and productively within teams, contributing effectively to team objectives.

  • Show consideration for colleagues, taking feeling into considertaion.
  • Work cooperatively with others to assist in achievement of goals.
  • Offer constructive suggestions to assist team to achieve objectives.
  • Help to create team spirit.

5. Leadership

Takes responsibility for directing and motivating others, ensuring business objectives are met

  • Praises achievement and acknowledges contribution of others.
  • Encourages and supports staff to overcome problems, both works and personal.
  • Encourage full participation form all team members.
  • Takes opportunity to delegate and develop the skills of others.
  • Sets target which are stretching but achievable.

6. Influencing

Actively influences others to gain acceptance for plans while taking the needs and opinions of other into consideration

  • Manages discussion effectively to ensure desired action are achieved.
  • Effectively prepares for discussion in advanced and has though possible outcomes.
  • Demonstrates behavior that is assertive, rather than passive or aggressive.

Senin, 23 November 2009

Tips Berkendara yang aman :

Bagi anda yang sering bepergian dengan kendaraan mobil ataupun motor maka pastikan ada beberapa persiapan yang harus dilakukan sebelum melakukan perjalanan ;
1. Cek kondisi ban motor atau mobil.
2. Pastikan surat-surat kendaraan (STNK /SIM A atau C) sudah ada di dompet.
3. Cek lampu kendaraan, lampu depan dan lampu belakang serta lampu sign.
4. Pastikan kondisi badan tidak letih atau mengantuk sebelum mengemudi.
5. Jika perjalanan yang ditempuh adalah luar kota atau memakan waktu kurang lebih 10 jam perjalanan maka harus ada peta dan peralatan-peralatan seperti dongkrak, senter dan lain-lain.
6. Jangan lupa berdoa agar selamat sampai di tujuan.

Kamis, 05 November 2009


Alhamdulillah... Akhirnya... Impian punya blog terwujudkan juga :)
Mudah-mudahan blog ini bermanfaat untuk siapapun terutama untuk diri saya sendiri